01. Users Table: Stores information about all users id (Primary Key) name password (hashed and salted) email (unique) roles (applicant, Employer, Admin) created_at updated_at 02. Applicants Table: Stores additional information specific to job seekers. id (Primary Key) user_id (Foreign Key) nid (unique) file (Certificate pdf/image/doc) cv (pdf/image/doc/zip) jobtype string (1,4,8,20,55) Location dob Type (regular = 0, pro = 1) points ( 10 point subtract per job application. per MCQ Game 5 point charge if pass the game reward 10 point. MCQ per day 1 game free.) created_at updated_at 03. Post Types Table: id (Primary Key) name created_at updated_at 04. ApplicantPostType id (Primary Key) applicant_id job_type_id created_at updated_at 05. Skill Types Table id (Primary Key) name created_at updated_at 03. Skills Table: id (Primary Key) applicant_id(Foreign Key) skill_type_id(Foreign Key) created_at updated_at 04. Experience Table: id (Primary Key) applicant_id(Foreign Key) company address phone position depertment description from to (if null continue) created_at updated_at 05. Education Table: id (Primary Key) applicant_id(Foreign Key) level ('primary', 'secondary', 'higher secondary', 'diploma', 'bachelor','master', 'phd', 'other') institute board duration session subject group (Grade, Class/Division) division grade grade_out_of passing_year created_at updated_at 06. References Table: id (Primary Key) applicant_id(Foreign Key) name organization designation phone relation email address created_at updated_at 07. Project Table:- id (Primary Key) applicant_id(Foreign Key) title description url status ('complete', 'continue', 'upcoming', 'cancelled') created_at updated_at 08. Language Table:- id (Primary Key) applicant_id(Foreign Key) name type ('reading', 'writing', 'speeking') level ('Beginner', 'Intermediate', 'Advanced') created_at updated_at 08. links Table:- id (Primary Key) applicant_id(Foreign Key) title url created_at updated_at 09. Employers Table: Stores additional information specific to employers. id (Primary Key) user_id (Foreign Key) unique name description website licence_no contact_person contact_email contact _phone point ( 1 taka 2 point. 5 point add per application.) type ( 0 = new first 1 post free , 1 = regular, 2 = employer submit 100 post, employer get pro type and he get 10% discount per post on point.) address created_at updated_at 10. Recharge Table: id (Primary Key) user_id (Foreign Key) types ('online', 'offline') amount (tk) transaction_id staus ('done', 'fail', 'processing') created_at updated_at 11. Withdraw Table: id (Primary Key) user_id (Foreign Key) account_type ('Bikas', 'Nagad', 'bank') account_name account_number points ( 1000 point must in accout. 1 taka 2 point ) status ('Processing', 'Complete') transaction_id status description created_at updated_at 12. Income Table: id (Primary Key) user_id (Foreign Key) point created_at updated_at 13. Industrial Category Table:- id (Primary Key) name icon staus (active = 1, disable = 0) created_at updated_at 14. Functional Category Table:- id (Primary Key) name icon staus (active = 1, disable = 0) created_at updated_at 15. Special Category Table:- id (Primary Key) name icon staus (active = 1, disable = 0) created_at updated_at 16. Posts Table: Stores information about job postings. id (Primary Key) employer_id (Foreign Key) functional_category_id industrial_category_id special_category_id job_type (Full-time, Part-time, Contract, Internship) job_title job_description salary_range country_id state_id required_skills address thumb(png/jpg/jpeg) file (photo/pdf) point (par post 200 point) type (regular = 0, pro = 1, hot = 2) deadline created_at updated_at //pivot table command: job_user //artisan command: //php artisan make:migration create_job_user_table --create=job_user 17. Applications Table: Tracks job applications made by job seekers. id (Primary Key) job_id (Foreign Key) user_id (Foreign Key) Status (Applied, Under Review, Interview, Rejected, Accepted) created_at updated_at 18. Messages Table: Facilitates communication between job seekers and employers. id (Primary Key) sender_user_id (Foreign Key) receiver user_id (Foreign Key) job_id (Foreign Key, nullable) message (text) status (read, unread) created_at updated_at 19. Saved Jobs Table: Keeps track of jobs saved by job seekers for later viewing. id (Primary Key) job_id (Foreign Key) user_id (Foreign Key) job seeker applied (0 , 1 default 0) created_at updated_at 20. Company Reviews Table: Stores reviews and ratings given to companies by job seekers. id (Primary Key) employers_id (Foreign Key) job_seeker_id (Foreign Key) rating (1-5) title content created_at updated_at 21. Category Table:- id (Primary Key) name icon staus (active = 1, disable = 0) created_at updated_at 22. Question Table:- id (Primary Key) category_id (Foreign Key) question option_one option_two option_three option_four answer created_at updated_at 23. Result Table:- id (Primary Key) applicant_id(Foreign Key) marks marks_outof status ( pass, fail, processing ) created_at updated_at 24. Country Table:- id (Primary Key) name created_at updated_at 25. State Table id (Primary Key) name country_id created_at updated_at